908-791-1200 |
Intelligent Traffic Supply Products, LLC (ITS Products) is a full service distributor of traffic signal equipment and Intelligent Transportation Systems. We are committed to providing superior products and services to our customers, in an environment of increasing technological advancements and complexity in transportation needs. Founded in 2002, we have built a solid industry presence based on our technical proficiency and strong commitment to customer service. ITS Products strictly adheres to local plans and specifications, NJDOT standard specifications and ITE standards when completing our projects. We have developed a high performing team of professionals to ensure competitive pricing, on-time delivery of both standard custom built equipment, and superior technical support. Our leadership staff brings decades of experience in the traffic industry, designing, configuring, implementing and supporting transportation projects. Our experienced warehouse and technical staff build, configure, test, and troubleshoot equipment on-site, to ensure high quality final products. At the heart of our business operations is our commitment to customer service. “Superior service and support are the driving force behind our increasing growth and success in this industry”, says Kevin Flynn, President. “We understand that traffic control is a critical public need. Our top priority is delivering skilled and reliable service to those contractors and municipalities who work diligently to meet that need.”